How To Survive The Tech Industry By Applying First Principles

Guy Alster
4 min readJan 28, 2024

Recently, I stumbled upon a series of articles by a Medium author, each painting a rather bleak picture of life in the tech industry, particularly for programmers crossing the threshold of 35. These writings suggest that individuals beyond this age are ‘old’ and thus require special considerations regarding their career prospects. I found these notions not only mildly amusing but predominantly steeped in ignorance. Amusing, because, in my view, 35 is relatively youthful, and ignorant, because these articles equate age with limitation within our dynamic industry. Personally, age has never been a focal point for me; I regard it merely as a number. I’ve observed individuals in their twenties with the demeanor of the elderly, and those in their seventies exuding youthful vigor. In my experience, it’s one’s outlook on life and behaviors that truly matter, rather than the span of years they’ve existed in this world. While I’m not acquainted with the author, I suspect he might be over 35 and grappling with his own fears — fears that are not entirely unfounded and resonate with many of us in this field. However, my contention is that this apprehension isn’t an inevitable fate we must accept.

Ageism is indeed a pervasive issue, and many argue that it’s particularly pronounced in the tech sector. This isn’t entirely unexpected, considering the tech industry’s rapid pace of evolution. Every day, we witness the emergence of new technologies, the adoption of trendy programming languages, and the introduction of novel best practices. But what does this have to do with age? The answer isn’t straightforward. My theory is that as individuals age, there’s a natural inclination to cling to familiar habits, existing knowledge, and comfortable routines. It’s common to encounter professionals who have dedicated years to a specific field, earning respect and success along the way. However, suddenly, they find themselves sidelined, struggling to re-enter the arena they once dominated. I believe this disconnection stems from a failure to keep pace with the relentless changes in their environment. The world evolves, but they stand still, often ceasing to learn. We sometimes label these individuals as ‘Dinosaurs,’ likening them to an extinct species. Though harsh, this term captures a stark truth: in the tech world, resting on past achievements is a recipe for obsolescence.

What steps can we take, given that time inevitably advances and we all age? A paramount rule I advocate is to never cease learning. If you find yourself in a rut, not absorbing new knowledge or skills, consider it a red flag. Make it a habit to learn or re-learn something every week. Continuous learning is not just a survival tactic in our industry; it’s a strategy for thriving, enabling swift adaptation to change. Yet, there’s another critical element: the application of first principles. Mastery of these foundational concepts, coupled with a commitment to lifelong learning and your rich experience, positions you as both competitive and marketable.

But what exactly are these first principles? They are the fundamental elements upon which all else is constructed. Regardless of a system’s complexity or the innovation behind its creation, its foundational components are often not novel. They might appear fresh, yet they typically represent a new spin on pre-existing elements. Take data structures and algorithms, for instance. These are the ‘pesky’ essentials you’re expected to know for technical interviews, only to neglect them once you’re hired. Yet, every robust programming language relies on libraries that include hash tables, trees, and sorting algorithms. If a language lacks these, you should be capable of developing them independently. Why? Because they form the foundation of computer science. Mastering these principles means you can effortlessly transition to new programming languages, always equipped to tackle software challenges using your foundational knowledge. Conversely, over-reliance on specific libraries, like those in Java or Python, without understanding the underlying mechanics, leaves you vulnerable when those tools aren’t available anymore.

Another example of first principles is mathematics. It’s common for engineers, especially in software, to underestimate the importance of fundamental math concepts like algebra, combinatorics, and probability. These aren’t just academic hurdles to clear before the ‘real’ programming begins. Math is the universal language of all sciences, a fundamental principle that transcends disciplines. Understanding and applying these mathematical concepts is not just about fulfilling a curriculum requirement; it’s about equipping yourself with the tools to solve complex problems and innovate within your field. Computer Science was invented by mathematicians.

Finally, consider computer systems as another great example of first principles. This category encompasses digital design, computer fundamentals, operating systems, memory, and networks, among other topics. Mastery of these areas ensures that you’re prepared for future technological shifts, such as the advent of quantum computing. By grasping the core principles of computer systems, you position yourself to understand and adapt to these advancements. This understanding stems from a deep-rooted knowledge of first principles, enabling you to navigate the complexities of even the most cutting-edge technologies.

In summary, first principles serve a dual purpose: they are the foundational elements upon which complex systems are constructed, and they act as a universal language that transcends the boundaries of time and technology. By focusing on these principles, you equip yourself to address new challenges in unfamiliar domains, relying on fundamental concepts rather than fleeting trends. The key to a resilient and prosperous career in the tech industry lies in continuous learning, diligent effort, and a commitment to reinforcing your grasp of first principles. This approach doesn’t just prepare you for the present; it ensures your relevance and success in the face of future innovations.

