Binary Lifting — an algorithmic technique worth learning.

Guy Alster
6 min readMay 11, 2021

I recently encountered a very interesting question on leetcode that has taught me a new algorithmic skill to add to my toolbelt. As the title of this post suggests, the algorithm is called binary lifting and it is by no means trivial. I have two primary reasons for posting this tutorial. First, to help others learn this very cool algorithm. Second, to help myself internalize it. It is a well-known fact that in order to internalize something new that you’ve learned, the best thing to do is to teach it to others. I will attempt to teach this algorithm from first principles, with the hope that by doing so I will expose any caveats in my own knowledge and as a side effect make this tutorial much more significant to others reading it.

The problem description

The Leetcode problem that I’m referring to is: “1483. Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node”. The problem statement is as follows:

You are given a tree with n nodes numbered from 0 to n-1 in the form of a parent array where parent[i] is the parent of node i. The root of the tree is node 0. Implement the function getKthAncestor(int node, int k) to return the k-th ancestor of the given node. If there is no such ancestor, return -1.The k-th ancestor of a tree node is the k-th node in the path from that node to the root.

A Naive Solution

How can we solve this problem naively? The first thing that comes to mind is to create a tree structure and to store a parent pointer in each node. In addition store the nodes in a HashSet for quick retrieval. When a query comes for a node N, find that node in the hash set, and traverse its parent k times or until we traverse past the root node in which case we return -1. What is the complexity of this algorithm? We will assume for the purpose of this exercise that building the tree is a one-time operation which we can do as a preprocessing step. So the only cost of the algorithm is the parent’s traversal which is O(K).

What can we do better?

To understand what we can do better we need to start with some basics. The first is the idea that every natural number N can be represented as a sum of powers of 2. For example 7 = 4 + 2 + 1, 13 = 8 + 4 + 1, 101 = 64 + 32 + 4 + 1. Let's prove this mathematically. We will use induction for this. We want to prove that for any natural number N, it can be represented as a sum of powers of 2:

  • For N = 1, it is trivially already a power-of-two and hence true.
  • If N is already a power-of-two then we’re done.
  • Let's assume that this claim is true for any n < N, and prove for N (which is not a power-of-two).
  • Let k be the largest number such that 2^k < N. (^ denotes the power operation). Hence N- (2^k) <N. Based on our hypothesis it can be represented as a sum of powers of two. Let that sum equal S. We then have N = S + 2^k which is a summation of powers of 2.

Why is this useful? because we can find the K’th ancestor of a node by traversing ancestors which are powers of 2 away from that node until we reach the K’th ancestor. how many are there? the answer is Log(K). Any number K can be represented with log(K) bits. Those bits correspond to a sum of powers of 2. So by this small shift in our perception, we can reduce our run time from O(K) to O(log(K)). This is precisely what binary lifting is.


The devil is as usual in the details. In this case, we need to figure out how to calculate those powers of 2’s that will lead us to find the K’th ancestor quickly. Fortunately, we can leverage the fact that any precomputation we do does not count towards our overall runtime. After all, if we need to query for the Kth ancestor one million times, then that pre-computation will be paid in full. An interesting observation that will help us is the following:

2^n = 2*2^(n-1) = (1 + 1)*2 ^ (n-1) = 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-1)

We are left with: 2^n = 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-1)
How is this helpful? the N’th power of two can be found by looking at the N -1 power of 2 twice. More precisely, finding the 2 ^ N ancestor of a node is the same as finding its 2 ^ (N-1) ancestor denoted by N1, and then finding N1’s 2 ^ (N-1) ancestor. Did anyone spot the recursive relationship here? did you spot the reoccurring subproblems? What method would allow us to exploit this recursive reoccurring structure? The answer is Dynamic Programming. If you’re not familiar with Dynamic programming I highly suggest reading about it and practicing it. Not only this technique will elevate your engineering skills, but it will also most definitely elevate your interviewing skills.

The recursive formula:

Denote DP[N][J] = the Jth power of two ancestor of the N’th node.

DP[N][J] = if J==1 then Parent[N] else DP[DP[N][J-1]][J-1].

In other words, if J is 1 we go directly to our parent. If it is not, we first lookup the ancestor corresponding to 2^(j-1), and then look up its 2^(j -1) ancestor.

This is exactly equivalent to the formula we wrote before. Except now we are storing it in a tabular manner which will allow us to quickly locate the Jth power-of-two ancestor of a given node.

The Algorithm

Now we’re finally ready to look at the algorithm for this problem. Before I paste the code, let's talk about how it's going to look like. We will start by first calculating the maximal power of 2 that we will need. Remember that the nodes are numbers between 0 to N-1 so we can easily find that maximal power of 2 by taking the log2 of N (the number of nodes). Then we’ll create our DP table as shown above. This will be done in the constructor of our class. We will traverse the nodes in order 0 through N-1 and for each one we will store all its power-of-2 ancestors. Notice that we will be taking advantage of the fact that parents (or ancestors) have smaller node Ids than their children.
The root node will have all its ancestors be set to -1. Once we have the table ready we can move on to our primary method -getKthAncestor. This will be a recursive method that will use our precomputed DP table. Given K (the parameter of our method) we will find the greatest jump such that 2 ^ jump ≤ K. denote that ancestor as T. We will then recurse for T and with an ancestor K- (2^jump). You should not be surprised by this, as it maps completely to our induction proof.

The Code

Follow up:

An interesting follow-up to binary lifting is another data structure that uses a similar approach. This data structure is called a Binary Index Tree or alternatively a Fenweek tree (after its inventor). A Binary Index Tree can be used to query partial sums of an array whose values are changing between queries. I encourage the readers to read about this data structure and draw the parallels between it and what we just discussed.

Final Words:

My hope is that after this tutorial, you’ve gained some new knowledge and feel that you understand the topic well. If for some reason you believe that I could have explained something better, more accurately or if you think that I’ve used too many abstract notions or hand waiving, please leave a comment below and I promise to consider revising it. Thank you.

